Friday, 14 September 2012

Origin Of Universe - Update

After much time i am coming back to write blog. much has happened but i didn't write b'coz it wasn't mine. all i was doing was reading others, or trying to apply what they say. but today, out of the blues, something happened, although i didn't make any effort to produce it. i was going for college as it was my last exam. and suddenly that same old, perhaps my oldest, question again came in my mind. how did the universe began? what is its purpose? and like some magic all the links started joining together. i wasn't thinking hard to join them. they just happened themselves while i watched. so thats how they have arranged:

I am very much amazed by quantum theory. its results are absolutely bizarre. they show no logic. no distinction of past and present. i am going to use three of its properties:
1. Uncertainty principle: uncertainty is in the very root of nature. one of its fundamental truths. nothing is certain. its all about probability. here i would like to add that even the second law of thermodynamics - the law which is said to have never been broken and is basis of many other great theories, the law of entropy. that things always happens in order to increase their entropy, their chaos. even this law is basically based on probability. its like this - suppose a glass dish falls on the floor. it breaks into pieces. now you again lift those pieces and leave them again. now there is much more probability that they will break in more pieces than they make the dish again.

2. quantum theory says that although every event in actual happens in every possible way it can happen, but changes into one of them when observed by some observer. so the observer sees only one happening. Thus there are no fixed laws of physics in actual, but are present only, and always, for the observer.

3. Feynman's sum over history: it says that each particle in present is the sum of all events that have happened to it in history. thus each particle contains in itself all happenings related to it starting from origin of universe.

so here is my theory: things originated out of uncertainty (if there was an origin at all) and still everything happens because of uncertainty. The root cause and the driving energy is uncertainty. so it can be said, according to this theory, that God = Uncertainty. Now, Although each possible event happens in every possible way, irrespective of laws of physics, but we see only one of them according to which our body and mind has evolved. Other events happen in something like other universes for us.
let me explain this more clearly:

laws of physics always move forward. they are not constant. every moment comes with new laws. but the previous ones also remains, perhaps in our mind. that's why newton's laws are not violated. i wanna say that let us assume that after the very first uncertainty, 100 new events  originated(in actual they were infinite). out of them one was, say, 13th. from that 13th 100 new events originated and among them one was 13th. in this way these 13ths kept on going. and lets suppose that we humans have evolved from this series of 13th events, and our laws are the laws made acc. to this series. so we humans can see only these laws. Now, these laws have evolved too with us. from the first 13th event some laws were made. in the next 13th, some more subtler other laws were made, but previous ones remained too. and both new & old laws are related in some deep intrinsic manner, perhaps like an ideal father to son hierarchy. thus this went on. so today, we see that old newton's laws are not today broken, because they must be formed in some earlier time. but still new laws are being formed with each moment, with every event. And perhaps that's why it remains both a philosophical and scientific problem that for one there is absolutely no way to know how other feels. there is absolutely no way to prove that my red is same as your red (color). this may support my doubt that older laws resides in our mind and new laws are also made in our mind. the older the law the more crude similarity we can feel with objects evolved only upto that law. the evolution theory is also there you see. the stone represents a certain stage of events. its laws are more primitive than ours. some stones remained as such while the other evolved, say, into life (according to chance or uncertainty). now its not that the stone lying on the road hasn't evolved ever. it has and it is, but we see its only that form which matches with us i.e. its stone form. out of 100 of its new forms we see that which remains as such i.e. 0 change one. now we can say that we can understand a stone more easily than, say, a chimpanzee which, in turn, is easier to understand than a fellow human. that's evolution. things are becoming more subtler and more complex. its all just like the biological theory of evolution.

The Enlightened ones say that consciousness (soul) is sarwavyapi, it exists in all the srishti , cosmos. Through their saying it looks like consciousness is not bounded by any one particular set of laws of this universe or that. it is beyond them. it is in all of them. now i am postulating that this soul is nothing but feynman's sum over history. also it is said that every particle has a soul too. i am saying that that the particle, at present, is nothing but the manifestation of all its previous history, which it is, actually. Thus the presence of all its history and all its possible histories, which in total is history of universe, is the soul, and the current manifestation of its soul is the body. i am adding possible histories because they too were actualized, but its just that we can't see them. it is just that we see it as it is currently but somehow it is all. this is the eternal consciousness that mystics talk about.
Now i don't know why only we, the humans, are able to aware of that consciousness in this life and not anything else. what is that in us that gives us ability to comprehend this ultimate truth. is this mind?
When Buddha was asked who he is, he said i am pure awareness. (i am assuming that consciousness=awareness=soul). that means the one who is experiencing all this truth is consciousness itself. thus its not an effort of body, but of soul to know itself. and the joy followed by realization is also its. this the consciousness is the real being, not the body. the body is just an illusion, maya as the hindus say. but acc. to my theory it is not an illusion but a manifestation. but these two terms are not different but the same. they say soul is real and body is illusion. my theory too say that soul is the real being. the body doesn't has any independent existence, but it is soul itself..just its current form or culmination of all forms. they say that soul keeps changing body like clothes. today this, tomorrow that. i.e. life & death & reincarnation. it can be explained by evolution. the particle goes on evolving. its laws go on changing. in this body it has this set of laws. after some evolution, it has some other laws...and this change manifests itself in the form of body change.
but i still don't understand why or how enlightenment happens because after that there is no rebirth. it can be understood as the ultimate end of evolution. that looks logical, but what about that enlightenment which happened with the disciples of buddha who were just sitting nearby buddha and watching his death, became enlightened.

this world originated out of chaos and is now trying to get back to that same state, of oneness. when a man becomes a Buddha, he becomes one with cosmos. that's the whole purpose of universe, that's its make everything one. maybe that's what hindus call eternal cycle of creation and destruction of universe. somehow it keeps on going through this chaos, then evolution to oneness and then again chaos.

Now the problems:
one is certainly that sudden enlightenment. is it some kind of quantum fluctuation. but then it is totally probabilistic. there should be no way to it. then which ways do all the buddhas talk about!

well certainly it all can't be that simple. i surely must be wrong. But these thoughts came in my mind so i wrote 'em down. and now am elaborating them a bit so that if somebody ever read it he can understand it.

there is still much to say about it but it seems i have already written much more than i initially intended to.

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